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Realtime Bandwidth Monitor

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iftop is a pretty good console bandwidth visualization tool that shows you active connections, where they are going to/from and how much of your precious bandwidth they are using.
First , if you don't have any iftop installed on your machine, just type : apt-get install iftop (if you're using Debian-based Linux). You may also install iftop in binaries, but I warn you it may takes time to configure it because of it's dependencies.


When using iftop, we can use some hotkey to get the way its display the result. Here the list of hotkey we can use while iftop running.

P - pause display
h - toggle this help display
b - toggle bar graph display
B - cycle bar graph average
T - toggle cummulative line totals
j/k - scroll display
f - edit filter code
l - set screen filter
L - lin/log scales
! - shell command
q - quit

Host display:
n - toggle DNS host resolution
s - toggle show source host
d - toggle show destination host
t - cycle line display mode

Port display:
N - toggle service resolution
S - toggle show source port
D - toggle show destination port
p - toggle port display

1/2/3 - sort by 1st/2nd/3rd column
< - sort by source name > - sort by dest name
o - freeze current order

here is the screenshoot of iftop in my box

For checking the upstream or the downstream you can easily use the 't' hotkey. You can notice it by the arrow direction. So that the display would be like this (the downstream in this example)

It's a pretty tool isn't?. Though would require statistical analytics, it's very powerful to detect some malicious data packet travelling your network.

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