Google Validation
Published Tuesday, June 13, 2006 by Satriyo Pamungkas | E-mail this post
Somehow, I was still wondering. How could a giant Web Service doesn't have a valid mark up language in its site. A Google page even doesn't have a DocType (DTD)!
It become more adsurb with the result, as we know, a valid mark up language is also a priority in a google's search engine!. So why don't they validate themself!
The Google also still having a warning for its CSS, though as we can see, it's a simple a CSS that Google embedded on it.
here is the warning
- Line : 5 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : .q
Here is the result of the google validation page, taken from is not valid too :D
yups, somehow i still doubt about this standard too...but it's also interesting play this standard.